Monday 31 August 2009

Delays, Disappearance and Digital Footprints

I've been overhauling my MySpace profile today due to a couple of words being bandied about - those being "digital footprint". It's a term that related to how much of yourself is out there in cyberspace and whether or not the worse stuff comes into contact with people you're about to start a relationship with; mostly in a business/employment sense, but I suppose the same is true of a romantic relationship.

Rather than outright delete my MySpace profile, I wanted to revise it. It may be the historian in me - that guy that hoardes everything about his past out of sheer fear of suffering some kind of tragic memory loss - but I don't want to just drop the MySpace profile and jump into bed with this Twitter thing, like so many I know have done. It's true that I use Facebook far more than MySpace, but I don’t want it to fall completely by the wayside – I’ve even got some photos up on there that I haven’t put up on Facebook!

So in the interest of improving my digital footprint.....I don't know how to finish this sentence. Some things are out of my control, certainly - although I doubt any Vanessa Hudgens-esque naked photos of me are ever going to be seen on t'internet for one reason or another - but I have taken the step of editing both this and my other blog down and either starting again, or starting from a VERY early point in my blogging past. In their place will be sounder stuff than what I was babbling on about in 2008 (The UK Tour aside, it wasn't a great year).

Right, I’m tired and my metaphors are starting to fail – time to sign off!!